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Call 24 hours before delivery [Contact information removed for your privacy and protection]
Huffman, TX 77336 USA
Earleville, MD 21919 USA

Updated Information: The paperwork has taken longer than anticipated to purchase this Cobalt R5 Surf. It will be ready for transport starting June 11, 2024. The timeline is flexible (in the next several weeks - but not arriving June 14-16). Ideally, the carrier will already be traveling from the Salt Lake City area to the Seattle area with an empty load to maximize two-way transport.
I recently purchased this 2016 Cobalt R5 Surf from Taylor's Boats in Kaysville, Utah. The trailer is a 2020 Sport Boat trailer in excellent condition. The marine dealer (Taylor's Boats) has performed a thorough trailer safety check. The Cobalt is also in excellent condition.
Background: Although I am planning on driving from Snoqualmie, WA to Kaysville, UT, and towing the boat back myself, I am also interested in receiving quotes for transport/tow-away. Proof of insurance covering the full value of the boat is required prior to pickup. Regular updates during transport are requested. Thank you in advance for submitting your quote.
Kaysville, UT 84037 USA
Snoqualmie, WA 98065 USA

The boat is currently at Taylor Boats in Draper, UT and will deliver to Arrowhead Boats in Rogers, AR
Draper, UT 84020 USA
Rogers, AR 72758 USA

Pickup location is a Taylors boats in draper Utah and drop off location is a boat launch on Mercer Island, Washington. It is on a trailer with a 2 inch ball connection. We are flexible on dates.
Draper, UT 84020 USA
Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA