Odyssey Pontoon Boat Shipping Services
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Pickup/Delivery is flexible. Boat will be going to Coffee Bluff Marina 14915 Coffee Bluff Road Savannah GA 31419. Trailer is in great shape with new tires and registered with plates
West Springfield, MA 01089 USA
Savannah, GA 31419 USA

Someone will be on sight to lift the pontoon onto your transport.
Drop off is at a marina that will unload the pontoon with a crane.
Drop off must begin no later than 3pm.
Luck, WI 54853 USA
Seneca, SC 29678 USA

The boat is in an enclosed storage shed and hasn't been moved in approximately 6 years. The trailer tires may be dry-rotted and the bearings may need servicing. I will plan on meeting you at the storage unit to unlock the unit and I'm going to try to brings new trailer tires with me. I have estimated the weight to be 4,500 lbs. The boat itself is listed at 2350 lbs. and I don't have a weight for the trailer.
Lake Powell, UT 84533 USA
Fenton, MI 48430 USA

Pickup is at a storage area and will give the driver contact information for the owner. The delivery will be top my residence. The boat can be left on the front lawn.
St. Cloud, FL 34771 USA
Cullowhee, NC 28723 USA

Urgent! No knowledge of the condition of tires.
Sanford, FL 32771 USA
Mooreland, OK 73852 USA

Rutherfordton, NC 28139 USA
Mendota, IL 61342 USA

Berlin, MD 21811 USA
Berwick, LA 70342 USA

Ideally shipping company would have a trailer that could launch the boat but that is not required.
Selbyville, DE 19975 USA
Lake Shore, MD 21122 USA