Cheap Furniture Transport Services
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Ground house
Petworth, GU280QY GBR
London, SE13 7JF GBR

Westbury, BA13 4JN GBR
Southsea, PO40HS GBR

Newport, TF10 8EG GBR
Luton, LU3 1AP GBR

Easy access at delivery.
Scunthorpe, DN159PU GBR
Dunblane, FK15 9AQ GBR

The item is not packed. Would some sort of packaging be possible at pickup source?
Stirling, FK8 3AZ GBR
Woodbridge, IP12 2TX GBR

this picture is of the two items the cabinet lifts off the top.
Bakewell, DE451FL GBR
Cowdenbeath, KY48LX GBR

Kinross, KY139YB GBR
Burton-On-Trent, DE15 9DU GBR

Will need help to lift up 2 flights of stairs when delivering
Sevenoaks, TN15 9HU GBR
Bournemouth, BH5 1NN GBR

Measurement and weight is an estimate only. I am awaiting confirmation from seller.
Oakham, LE15 9ED GBR
Stoke-On-Trent, ST3 2QZ GBR

North Hertfordshire, SG47HP GBR
Crawley, RH10 7TN GBR
From sofas to king size beds, uShip is the best marketplace for you to meet all your furniture delivery needs. Begin on this page, using uShip's cost-to-ship index tool to view past furniture delivery transactions and get familiar with the uShip process.
When you're ready to create your own free listing, simply click the yellow "new shipment" button at the top of this page and get started. You'll want to include as much detail about your furniture as possible to help prospective transporters plan for your delivery.
The next step is to do some research. Researching your transporter before you accept their bid will help ensure you get the best transport experience possible. You can find each courier's transport history and safety record in their courier profile.
From there it's just matter of properly packaging your furniture for transport. If you don't want to hassle with this step read our guide on how to transport furniture using white glove movers. After you've accepted the perfect transporter's quote for your furniture delivery, all that's left to do is wait for its arrival. Happy moving!