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Core 4 Venture Group, LLC



Company Bio

I am an independent owner/operator specializing in door-to-door, concierge transport of boats, RV's, campers, enclosed trailers, cars, street rods, race vehicles, customs, antiques and motorcycles. If you are a discerning vehicle owner, looking to transport your vehicle around the corner, or across the country, you can rest assured that it will be well cared for and delivered as scheduled. Certain vehicles may be transported in a single-vehicle, enclosed auto transport that is equipped to secure your vehicle and deliver it safely. RV's, trailers, and boats are considered 'tow away' and are pulled behind the tow vehicle. While our prices are rarely the lowest, we offer competitive rates for the level of service that we provide. Bids are offered as all-inclusive and there are no hidden fees or charges. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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