Transporte de Casas de 3 Habitaciones
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Comedor 6 personas
Mueble Tv
2 camas matrimoniales
2 buros
2 cabeceras
Cocina integral chica 4 piezas
1 tanque Gas
1 Lavadora de 10kg
20 cajas varios
Puebla, 72110 MEX
Minatitlan, 96870 MEX
chihuahua chihuahua, 31124 MEX
aguascalientes aguascalientes, 20263 MEX
we have things that will be packed in our own boxes. we will not need others. They are the size of a 360 count egg box or smaller. We also have about 12 plastic bins that are about 18 gallon.
We have a water cooler that a 5 gallon jug sits on
We have a car top carrier
We have 2 pieces of memory foam
We have a wire bathroom rack
We have 3-4 floor fans
We have a Christmas tree bin(long)
Hermosillo, 83010 MEX
Torreon, MEX
Naucalpan de Juarez, 53950 MEX