You can create as many quoting groups as you want, and you can still cancel active quotes prior to having them accepted.
Example: Quote on Multiple Vehicle Shipments
First vehicle shipment quote
A Service Provider is making a trip from Austin, TX to New Orleans, LA and only has room for two vehicles in their car trailer. They find four vehicle shipments along their route and are willing to service any two.
When they quote on the first vehicle, they create a new "group" called "Austin to New Orleans" by selecting "Create New Bid Group" (A) and set a match limit of two (B).
Remaining vehicle shipment quotes
The service provider then submits quotes on the remaining three vehicles and attaches them all to the same group (C). They can now view and manage their quotes and groups from My Quote Groups.
My Quote Groups
Two shippers accept the Service Provider's quotes. Because the match limit on "Austin to New Orleans" quotes is reached (D), the other two quotes are automatically and immediately canceled (E).