When it comes time to start planning your move to college, keep this college moving checklist handy to keep you on track:
1. Pat yourself on the back – You got into school! That’s the hard part! It’s never too early to start planning, but you deserve a little time to relax after all that hard work. Have a little fun and then start thinking about the next steps.
2. Visit campus – If you have never actually seen the campus, making a visit can give you a better idea of where you might want to live, as well as giving you a level of comfort with the area. Stop by the dorms and talk to residents and staff about what it is like to live there.
3. Research – If visiting the school is not an option, visit the school’s website. Most schools will have a page dedicated to student housing. This will often include links to resources for finding off-campus housing as well. If you do not see what you are looking for, give the student housing department a call. They are there to help you.
4. Find a roommate – You might have a friend going off to college with you, but many will head to school not knowing anybody. Dorms will usually offer to pair you with someone based on basic preferences. There are also online roommate-finders that allow you to create profiles and place classified ads.
5. Take inventory – Make a list of what you need for your new place. Check off the things you already have, and compare with your roommate. It may be easier for you to buy the rest of the things that you need after you move in.
6. Figure out logistics – If you can fit all of your worldly possessions into your car, then you are good to go. Otherwise, you will need to find yourself some college movers. Summer is a busy season for moving, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time.
7. Pack – You can hire movers that will pack for you, but this will take longer and be more expensive. Round up some boxes and be sure to label everything so you can find it upon arrival.
8. Move – If you have planned well, moving day should go off without at hitch. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep if you are driving a long distance. Be especially nice to your mom, because she is probably going to cry. Show her your completed college checklist to assure her you will be fine.
9. Start learning! – Unpack your things, buy your books, sharpen your pencils, and get ready to start filling your head with knowledge.