When you are transporting household or garden plants, consider if they are worth the time and expense to transport. Common carriers can easily accommodate small plants. Larger plants may need a specialized plant transporter, or a driver who is truly committed to caring for the plants along the way. Use the following lists as a guideline to determine whether or not you should ship your plants.
When to take your plants with you:
- They have sentimental value and you do not want to part with them
- You’ve spent a lot of time cultivating them or they are a rare species (e.g. Bonsais)
- They are small enough to be easily packaged for quick shipping
- They would be difficult to buy at your new location
- They are large and would be costly to crate and move
When to leave your plants behind:
- They are common species that you could purchase again for less than the cost of transport – give yours away to a friend as a gift
- When they are rooted in the ground – the transplant process is time consuming and the plant may not survive the shock
- They are prohibited in your new location due to USDA quarantine or otherwise.