Transport bon marché d'Autres bateaux
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Annonces récentes
2 bateaux identiques dont les dimmensions ci dessus correspondent à 1 bateau
Balaruc-les-Bains, 34540 FRA
Monestier-de-Clermont, 38650 FRA
We wish to move our narrowboat from its current mooring in Lot & Garonne in France to Redon (35600) in Brittany in France. We are flexible on dates, as we are happy to do it any time between May and October 2013.
It would be possible to move the boat to somewhere where it can be lifted out of the canal, once the locks have re-opened at the end of March.
Please could let me have an estimate for the cost of moving the boat, with and without a crane supplied by yourselves.
Marmande, 47200 FRA
Redon, 35600 FRA
Kayak emballé dans une chaussette de bullegomme.
Six-Fours-les-Plages, 83140 FRA
Nantes, 44200 FRA
Bateau bois sans remorque ni ber
a transporter sur Sete au printemps 2014 date selon vos deplacements
Annecy, 74000 FRA
Sete, 34200 FRA