Basset Hound Dog Shipping Services
Safely Ship Your Dog Anywhere!
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Penny the Basset Hound is 6 months old and up to date on all vaccinations. I tried to book her on Southwest with us but she exceeds the requirements for the allowed carrier size. Her destination is with my boyfriend in Texas on his ranch in a city on the outskirts of San Antonio. I would like to get her there before he leaves for work in Wyoming so that he may be able to take her with him. I had someone who was able to take her, but the deal fell through as the other person was time constrained last minute. She does really well with car travel and is such a sweetheart. We just want her to get home safe and sound.
Appleton, WI 54911 USA
Hondo, TX 78861 USA
Shipping will be in MID OCTOBER. It wouldn't let me select that far our.
Stockton, CA 95202 USA
Orlando, FL 32801 USA
Sir Reginald is a very sweet dog, but to help him relax and get to his new home comfortably, I am highly considering having him travel with some benadryl, which we will provide, in case he get's anxious.
Waynesville, MO 65583 USA
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 USA